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Hi Rainer

It was great to meet you in person again last Thursday. How time flies! 

I hope that you feel more relaxed and at ease with speaking English now. Languages are very difficult to get 100% right or speak like a native speaker. Most important is enjoying to speaking and getting better bit by bit. Best is when you try this out in a English speaking country.

Next time we can continue to look at interesting places to visit in England, Wales and Scotland.

Best wishes for the coming festive season and New Year.


Steve 😊

Here are a few of the words we discussed today:

corridor Flur/ Gang
hallway Diele/ Hausflur/ Hausgang
driveway Zufahrt/ auffahrt/Garagenzufahrt
fence Zaun
patio Terrasse
unified Einheitlich/ vereinheitlich
queue Warteslange
shift Arbeitsschicht
layer Schicht
busy belebt/ 
to be as “busy as a bee”

fleißig wie eine Biene

popular beliebt/ bekannt/ gängig
gritter lorry/ truck Streufahrzeug


Here is a funny info vid about the differences between English and US Christmas traditions. And one showing you around London during Christmas.